Panelists include;
- Presenter: SazTheMeeple (She/Her), [Producer, Meeples & Dragons], @SazTheMeeple (Threads).
- Map Maker: JohnTheDragon (He/Him), [Director, Meeples & Dragons], @meeplesanddragons (Twitch).
- God #1: NephthysNile (She/They), [Storyteller. TTRPG Writer. President, Dungeons & Dragons Australia. Vice President, Australian Roleplay Community], @nephthysnile (all platforms).
- God #2: Dreaded GM (They/Them), Content Creator, @DreadedGM.
- God #3: Ellen (She/They) [Actor, TTRPG Podcaster and Performer, Playwright, Clown, Drag King]. @roletocast @ellenkgraham1 @ellybean96.
- God #4: Ham (He/Him), [Dungeon Master, Radiant Shadows (Meeples & Dragons); Cast Member, The LoreWrights].
- God #5: Kendall The Human (He/Him), [Actor/Writer, 1 For All. Dungeon Master. Voice Actor] @KendallTheHuman (Instagram).