Directions | Radiant Shadows | Episode 21

On the road out of Rowan’s home town, the party have come across the wreckage of one of the Delerium’s wagons, twisted and broken on the side of the road and covered in crossbow bolts. Meira, fearing the worst for her friend Bex, ran in to investigate … But what did she find?

Watch episodes of Radiant Shadows – Book One: Dark Dreams live on Twitch at

The Cast:
Hamish – Game Master – @mightyjoeham
Cass – Miera Greenleaf – @huskies_lives00
Heath – Grumpfel Greystone – @AntipodeanD20
John – Tiernan De’Pallan – @meeples_dragons
Kate – Rowan Boulderhill – @osullivankate
Pr0mythean – Delgrim Harrowfell – @Pr0mythean

The Crew:
Co-World Builder – Talera – @talera79
Producer – SazTheMeeple – @meeples_dragons

Character models by All character art and tokens created and owned by, and used under license from, is not responsible for the content of this show, clip or segment, and hereby disclaims any and all content and views expressed herein.

Watch Radiant Shadows Book 1 live on Saturday at 7pm AEST  To join our live and moderated community chat, watch the broadcast on our Twitch channel.